
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete medical system that utilizes the insertion of tiny needles into the skin to affect change in the physical and emotional aspects of the body. As a practitioner, I also use supportive modalities such as essential oils, moxabustion (I promise to tell you more about this one at your first appointment), and acupressure to help your body fin... Read More

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete medical system that utilizes the insertion of tiny needles into the skin to affect change in the physical and emotional aspects of the body. As a practitioner, I also use supportive modalities such as essential oils, moxabustion (I promise to tell you more about this one at your first appointment), and acupressure to help your body find a better sense of balance and harmony.

I came to acupuncture through the eyes of a skeptic, but after experiencing the depth of healing I gained when I added acupuncture into my own recovery journey, I fell in love with the medicine.

Originally from Minnesota, I found the Upper Peninsula calling my name after a month-long work trip to Isle Royale in high school. I attended Northern Michigan University before deciding to pursue acupuncture at Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder, Colorado. I graduated in 2013 with a Masters of Science in Acupuncture.

My husband, Evan, and I moved back to the Marquette area in 2014 and are very grateful to be raising our family here. We have 2 young boys (Drew & Grayson) as well as community of bonus kids around the world who came into our lives through hosting exchange students.

I came to acupuncture through the eyes of a skeptic, but after experiencing the depth of healing ... Read More

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